TMJ in Dentistry

TMJ in Dentistry

What You Need to Know About TMJ

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that affects the jaw joints. There are many reasons someone might develop TMJ, and some of them can be prevented or treated through treatment methods that don’t involve surgery or other invasive procedures. If you think you may have symptoms of TMJ, it’s important to see your dentist right away to diagnose the problem and begin treatment as soon as possible. A dentist, such as Dr. Nenkov, can help you find relief from the pain and pressure of TMJ by making simple adjustments to your bite.

Why Is It So Hard To Diagnose?

Like any medical condition, it’s hard to diagnose because symptoms vary and can mimic other conditions. Some symptoms of TMJ are similar to those of a migraine or sinus infection, while others resemble side effects of arthritis medication. It may be difficult for a doctor to pin down exactly what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean that you should rush off and put your mouth in harm’s way. In fact, a dentist such as Dr. Nenkov is likely in the best position to diagnose [TMJ] and treat you accordingly.

Most People Have it Without Knowing It

First, it’s important to understand that pain in your jaw, or any discomfort you might be feeling in your mouth, is probably not from a dental issue. It’s likely caused by an issue with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ is located just behind your lower front teeth and connects your upper and lower jaws. If it becomes misaligned—which can happen if you clench or grind your teeth—then you could experience pain in your jaw. In fact, research shows that up to 80 percent of people will have issues with their TMJ at some point during their lives.

Symptoms & Prevention

If you think you have symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), it’s important to book an appointment with a dentist such as Dr. Nenkov immediately. Dentists are important to offer diagnosis and, if needed, treatment for your symptoms.

Dr. Nenkov often states diagnosis is 90% of treatment, and every patient of Dr. Nenkov’s will have their treatment options clearly explained (Dr. Nenkov won’t proceed until you feel comfortable and understand the science behind his recommendations).

Symptoms may include: aching around your jaw, teeth grinding at night, and other signs such as headaches, tightness in your face and neck, earaches, tenderness around your mouth area, or ringing in your ears (tinnitus). Left untreated, TMD can lead to more serious problems including problems with eating and chewing which could have an impact on nutrition. So be sure to get diagnosed by a dental professional if you notice any of these symptoms or are concerned that something is wrong. If you think you are suffering from TMD already then don’t delay – book an appointment with Dr. Nenkov!

What can cause TMD?

It is ultimately an imbalance between the teeth, muscles, and bones that are the building stones of the whole system. It could be primarily due to underdeveloped jaws, or secondary to retraction type Orthodontics with teeth extraction, multiple dental procedures gradually changing the bite, complex full mouth restorations, different types of injury, or a combination of the above.

TMD patients often have osteoarthritic or degenerative changes in the TM joints without knowing but pointing to all other arrays of symptoms:
– Headaches/Migraines
– TMJ clicking, gritting, and popping
– Inability to open smoothly or wide
– Neck pain
– Difficulty to chew
– Difficulty to swallow
– Tingling of finger tips
– Hearing loss
– Tinnitus – ringing in the ear
– Insomnia

TMD patients are a part of the big umbrella of Chronic Craniofacial Pain patients.