Pediatric Sleep Apnea

Pediatric Sleep Apnea

Kid sleeping

Pediatric Sleep Apnea

I recently had a mom told me her story of her child having pediatric sleep apnea. She explained her daughter was having headaches as a child but was accepting that as normal. When she was 6 years old she started having migraines and then told her mom about the headaches before and how this is now unbearable.

Mom spoke about her daughter’s baby teeth being completely worn down from grinding and how she was biting her nails until there is nothing left but kept biting the skin till bleeding.

Later on, mom shared her kid was doing psychology sessions for six months for her attention deficit and rage behavior with little to no help.

Mom described that when in school, when more grown up, really smart and keeping her composure but completed breaking down once back at home. She told me about the countless trips to specialists, medications taken and diagnoses labeled.

When she was asked how did she feel as a mom during that time she answered with tears in her eyes: It was like living in hell…

As a professional I never asked that question. I always assumed I know… Her answer made me realize – treating children with pediatric sleep apnea is treating the whole family! For what they are going through could be unimaginable.