We believe Pediatric Dentistry is about growth! Yes, it is important to brush and floss and yes it is important for teeth to come aligned and on time and yes it is important for kids to have a good bite (not underbite, overbite, crossbite, etc.)
But all that is growth!
Proper growth is going to make the teeth alignment and the bite proper and make teeth self-cleansing possible. But also, proper growth is going to establish proper airway, which is fundamental for body physiology brain function, and overall development.
Vision, Hearing, Phonetics, Aesthetics, Brain function, Cranial nerves controlling breathing, heart rate, digestion, and many others, all are dependent on craniofacial growth.
We work on children’s teeth as well but very often see children with hearing problems, children with speech problems, children with facial asymmetries and malocclusions, children with ADD, ADHD, we see children with nutrition disorders. We work with many other health professionals like Myofunctional therapists, Osteopaths, Occupation Therapists, Speech therapists, and Physiotherapists.
Please contact us if you want more information or would like a second opinion.